ForsideAntibiotika og resistensRoundup fremmer resistens over for antibiotika

Roundup fremmer resistens over for antibiotika


Et nyt studie  viser, at RoundUp sandsynligvis fremmer bakteriers modstandskraft over for vor tids vigtigste medicin, nemlig antibiotika.

Stoffet aktiverer nogle gener hos mikroorganismerne, som styrker deres evne til at udskille giftstoffer, herunder antibiotika, så de sygdomme, de måtte forårsage, ikke kan bekæmpes med denne medicin.

Et andet studie viser, at RoundUp dræber meget nyttige svampe i agerjorden. En læge fra USA, dr. Mercola, der går ind for mange alternative medikamenter, som han også sælger på nettet, refererer til to undersøgelser, der bekræfter ovenstående. På sit website skriver han bl.a:

In 2015, researchers first found that commonly used herbicides promote antibiotic resistance by priming pathogens to more readily become resistant to antibiotics.4 This includes Roundup (the actual formulation of Roundup, not just glyphosate in isolation), which was shown to increase the antibiotic-resistant prowess of E. coli and salmonella, along with dicamba and 2,4-D. Rodale News reported:5

“The way Roundup causes this effect is likely by causing the bacteria to turn on a set of genes that are normally off, [study author] Heinemann says. ‘These genes are for ‘pumps’ or ‘porins,’ proteins that pump out toxic compounds or reduce the rate at which they get inside of the bacteria…’

Once these genes are turned on by the herbicide, then the bacteria can also resist antibiotics. If bacteria were to encounter only the antibiotic, they would instead have been killed. In a sense, the herbicide is ‘immunizing’ the bacteria to the antibiotic … This change occurs at levels commonly used on farm field crops, lawns, gardens, and parks.”

The new study, published in the journal Microbiology, set out to determine what ingredients of the commercial formulations caused this effect, with results showing the active ingredients are to blame.6 “Active ingredients induced changes in antibiotic responses similar to those caused by complete formulations. This occurred at or below recommended application concentrations,” the researchers noted.

Kilde: Roundup Creates Antibiotic Resistance